That sustainability, in all its facets, takes precedence in our company can now also be read in the PROST trade magazine for culinary, gastronomy, hospitality, and tourism. Published in the May 2024 issue. Author: Renate Ortner.
I’m Here for You
… a phrase that penetrates through every pore, or as Robbie Williams sings: “running through my veins.” No matter to whom it is addressed: parents, children, partners, friends …, these few letters imply love, trust, appreciation, and a “I care about you.” Don’t our bodies and our environment deserve all of that as well?
“For our consumption, we would need five Earths. Yet we only have one.”
According to a study, the number of diabetes cases is expected to more than double by 2050. It is projected that 1.3 billion people worldwide will suffer from this disease—primarily the avoidable type 2, which is associated with obesity. And: Austria has been identified as a negative (!) leader in emergency approvals of EU-wide banned and dangerous pesticides. We are thus poisoning our soils—albeit gradually, but consistently.
Regionality, sustainability, and organic products are no longer terms that just a small group of interested parties should adopt; they are prerequisites for a quality-driven economy.
… and I rely on you
During our exploration of this topic, we encountered Josef Zotter. The entrepreneur and chocolatier knows what he’s talking about, having also been a chef in luxury hotels and owner of four pastry shops. Gastronomy is just as familiar to him as cocoa beans. He has much to say about both topics and exemplifies how it can be done. As a fundamental requirement, he tirelessly cites: honesty. And for an eco-company, that begins with certification. “Even a gastronomy business should get certified—100 percent, not a little and not with exceptions! No eco-track next to the conventional one, no salad from a neighbor who doesn’t farm organically, but is local, instead it should be holistic. This also applies to the topic of energy—this needs to be addressed. And these are not just daydreams; it works—economically as well. Ultimately, it is crucial: it pays off to stand for something. And the guest then knows what to expect. They can rely on it! Since switching to 100 percent organic, my company has been continuously thriving—despite all crises. We do not promote conscious growth; we promote biological growth!”
Read the entire profile in the PDF of the PROST magazine. (it was published in German language)
photo credit: Lukas Beck