Dear Zotter Fans and Chocolate Lovers,

Lots of good news! Our power came back shortly after our last update! Our team started cleaning out the warehouse and get things back in place. Internet is back as well at the location. So many miracles happened during the recent days!

And then, there are other things like waiting the dumpsters to be emptied so that we can finalize to clearing out our warehouse.

A partial delivery is on its way from Austria and due to arrive on Monday in Miami. Depending on Customs and FDA Clearance we will probably be ready to receive it on Tuesday or Wednesday. As soon as we put everything back in place, we will reopen our online store for orders!
Another full restocking order is in production in Austria right now and we expect this in early November.
We are super excited about this!

empty shelfs

It feels like many miracles, because our whole area got hit badly by Hurricane Ian and it’s heartbreaking to see all the damages and losses. After the first shock and disbelief, many stories do now appear, sad ones and heroic ones. Many of us here in Southwest Florida deal with mental and physical exhaustion.

This storm was like no other. We know, every storm is different. Ian was life-changing for many of us. We will have to deal months and years with the aftermath – but we also wanted to let you know – the people of Southwest Florida are strong, resilient and the will to rebuild can be seen and felt everywhere!

Neighbors, communities, businesses – all are coming together. So many of you – our dear customers and fans stepped up and helped us to keep payroll going in times where we had zero business. The level of help from all over the country is unimaginable and greatly appreciated.

Our little team at Zotter Chocolates is eternally grateful for many miracles that happened over the past couple of weeks, and we are in good spirits about what’s in front of us. We are excited about going into this Holiday Season with our chocolate to spread cheer and joy! We will be late to the game, but we hope for all your understanding and support, and we will do our best to get our chocolate in your hands as soon as possible.

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Maybe later